A Strategy For The Removal Of Biowaste From Trommel Fines
the challenge for MRF operators
An estimated 5 million tonnes of organic waste are sent to landfill each year in the form of Trommel Fines.
This represent more than 70% of the total biowaste disposed of to landfill and until now there hasn’t been a technology capable of separating out the organics from the inert material.
The OREX is a proven, robust and cost effective technology which will extract more than 90% of this organic material
The OREX Press extracts the organics in Trommel using high pressure (280 bar). The organic component is liquefied, separating it from the non-organic material.
7 million tonnes per year of Biowaste is sent to landfill, with about 5mty in Organic Trommel Fines.
Trommel Fines contain up to 40% grit/glass/stone etc. which makes them unsuitable for direct anaerobic digestion. OREX offers >90% Separation of the organics in Trommel fines.
anergia’s OREX Press extracts 90% of the organics in MSW using a high pressure ram.
A single OREX processes up to 70,000 TPY of Organic Trommel Fines, with less than 1% of inert material such as grit, stones etc.
The OREX Press is a Unique & Innovative Technological Solution for Organic Trommel Fines
process integration
How the OREX Press Processes Trommel Fines from an MRF
Key Anaergia Technologies deployed – OREX Extrusion Press, CleanREX Dynamic Cyclone and FIBREPlate Hybrid Hollow Fibre/Flat Membrane MBR.
The AD digestate produced Is not PAS110 certified, but can be prepared for discharge to sewer using the FIBREPlate Hybrid MBR.
The unique Hybrid Hollow Fibre / Flat Membrane MBR Ultra-Filters the digestate, which has had its nitrogen content removed by Nitrification-Denitrification as shown below.
Non-PAS110 Certified AD Digestate